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Recharge is the process of refilling the energy or money into a device or system which can be used to re-use the device or system again without any hurdles.

Key Benefits of recharge business:

  • Increases ARPU by creating unlimited opportunities torecharge.
  • Increases AMPU by reducing operational costs of physicalvouchers, thereby minimizing theft and therefore fraud.
  • Modular combination with other HINDFS products.
  • Flexible denominations using pin-less activation.

Mobile Recharge

A prepaid mobile phone (also commonly referred to as pay-as-you-go, pay-as-you-talk, pay and go, prepaid wireless, prepay or, if soon disposed of burner phone) is a mobile phone for which credit is purchased in advance of service use. The purchased credit is used to pay for mobile phone services at the point the service is accessed or consumed. If there is no available credit then access to the requested service is denied by the mobile phone network. Users are able to top up their credit at any time using a variety of payment mechanisms.

Mobile Recharge of all the Telecom Service Providers can be done through the HIND4U Portal. This service connects with the Telecom Service Providers to enable customers recharge their mobile real time. The payments can be made through the e-wallet available through this portal. Mobile Recharge for the following service providers are enabled through HINDFS.